Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kelowna, British Columbia

We have now spent two days in Kelowna. The city reminds me of Camp Green Lake from the book Holes, in the sense that it never rains. Kelowna is located in a valley (located between two mountains), therefore it receives little rain due to the Rain Shadow affect.. (The Rain cannot get over the mountain without solidifying so it turns into rain and can not get on the other side of the mountains. Unlike Camp Green Lake, Kelowna has allot of vegetation despite little precipitation.
My parents thought that we have not experienced enough of Canada's natural beauty so they took us on a nature trek. We went to Hike Brants Creek. We entered the park from Downtown Kelowna. I never knew how much of a city girl I actually was. There were annoying bugs, and funny looking plants. I tried to stay in the middle of the dirt road because I was afraid that one plant would give me poison ivy. Thank god the trek went primarily straight, or else I would have got lost in that Jungle like Habitat. I actually found some animals scat, well stepped in it actually. Johns then kept asking what animal it could be from, for fun we made our guesses: mountain lion, grizzly bear, cougar, hyena . (My guess just to freak out Johns because I know he' afraid of Hyena .)
Then we spent a day at Lake Okanagan. The Lake was huge, and really deep. People could swim, but Vanessa could not do anything more then dip her feet. John and Dad tried to fish. To my surprise they actually caught something with there rented fishing rod and tackle box. However being the inexperienced fisher men that they are, they didn not know what to do with it, and had to ask a knowledgeable 12 year old what to do. You could also kayak or water ski, but I spent most of my time swimming in the ocean. I met a girl name Kayla who offered to take me on her families broad in the afternoon. It was a small jet engine. I found out that I get very uncomfortable on boats. I did not want to show it, or be rude, but that boat made my stomach turn upside down.
I am getting excited tomorrow I am going finally to see the great Pacific Ocean.

Kelowna, British Columbia
Latitiude: 49 50 N
Longitude: 119 25W
Population: 106707
Population Density (people/Km2): 504.1/Km2
Landforms: Rocky Mountains
Climate: Kelowna exeperiences very low percipitation because it is located between two mountain ranges. Therefore the Rain shadow effect causes little precipitation. Kelowna is also located near lake Okanagan which cases temperatures to be mild.
EcoZone: Montane Cordillera
Closest National park: Banff National Park
Industries: Agaraculture
Tourism: Lake Okanagan, Wineries

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